So, it's been a while since I've posted about my health. It's been frustrating. I've been hanging around 175-177 for months now. I think that a lot of my stall has to do with the fact that I haven't been blogging about my struggle to get healthy again. I started a Biggest Loser type contest with some friends, and while I've finally started exercising again, I haven't been losing weight. I am seeing some differences in my arms, though, so that's encouraging.
I'm going to start posting my weight again. I think that the fear of posting my weight really helped motivate me to make the best choices in my diet. I eat too many nuts, and I need to cut chocolate out completely. Cocoa powder is fine, but chocolate is too high in fat. I've been keeping up with the whole foods, plant-based diet, but I haven't been keeping with the low to no-fat aspect of the diet as much as I need to. Occasionally, eggs or milk will sneak into my diet in the form of baked goods, but it's minimal, and I can easily stop it.
Right now, I'm struggling with late night nibbling. After the kids have finally gone to bed, I like to just sit on the couch, sometimes for the first time that day, and watch TV, or surf the interwebs. It is these painfully simple things that I enjoy so much. I am on my feet all day long, and if I attempt to sit down, I immediately have two kids diving head first into my lap.
While I do love these snuggles, there are times when I am completely touched out, and I want to have my body to myself. Cy has started an unfortunate habit of shoving his hands down articles of clothing. His current favorite is my pants. When he's going to sleep, it's down the front of them. If I sit or squat down, he goes for the back. There's something kind of disturbing about baby hands down the back of your pants.
Jack is starting to cut back on naps. He still gets a nap a couple times a week, but it's no longer everyday. I suppose I can't expect daily naps when he's four. Cy is also cutting down on naps to one plus maybe a little one a day. Part of me is sad that there aren't two guaranteed long naps a day, but I also look forward to not worrying about being home in time for naps. I feel so tethered to the house in order to keep precious nap and meal schedules.
So often, friends will ask to get together. And while I so want to, it is inevitably during a nap for one or both of the kids. So for now, occasionally my social life will pay the price for well rested children.
I have started venturing out without the kids in tow. I went to dinner with my fellow LLL leaders last Friday, and it was nice to sit down and eat a meal and enjoy company without the added challenge of keeping Cy entertained.
So, I am going to start posting my weight again, and hopefully we'll see me push past this plateau and finally get to my goal of getting back to my old self.
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