Saturday, May 25, 2013

Long overdue

Ugh. So it's been a long, long time since I've updated here. Long story short, I haven't had much success in the weight loss front. In fact, I've gained weight. I'm back up to 179, but it's not all bad. I've made exercise a part of my life now. I exercise anywhere between 3 to 6 days a week. I have more definition in my arms than I've ever had, and underneath some excess padding, I can feel my abs! I've never had abs. With the beginning of vegetables coming in, I'm excited to start eating fresh, local produce. I've missed it over the winter. I know that eating from the garden, be it from mine or a local farmer's, will help me finish this whole weight loss thing. I want it done. I look at the clothes I have in my closet, and I wonder what on earth I will wear this summer. I don't do shorts. A dear friend of mine is insisting that we will find shorts that will be kind to my figure, but I just don't see anything that's within my budget that doesn't make me look ridiculous. So, I peruse websites and dream of fitting into some of these oh, so fashionable shorts. Boden is a new found favorite.

As I was drifting through a page of clothes that were priced way out of my lifestyle, I realized what I was lamenting more than my inability to buy the clothes. I was lamenting that I wasn't working on getting myself in the shape that I wanted. I have become complacent. So, I am rededicating myself to myself. That sounds a little odd, but there it is.

Part of my problem is that I am tired. Cyrus is working on getting his two year molars, and his sleep is very interrupted at night. Part of that might be that he's the size of a two year old, and that he needs more space in the bed than we can currently provide him if both of us are in bed with him. So, bunk beds are on the short list of purchases that need to be made soon. I digress. But, I'm not sleeping at night, and Jack is no longer taking a nap during the day, so I'm not getting a break at all during the day. I feel like my days are a marathon for which I am constantly unprepared. So, I'm hoping that when we move Cy out of our bed and into his own, I'll finally start getting some regular sleep. Hopefully.

So, I plan on blogging again with some regularity. I think it will help clear the cobwebs from my head. I feel like I just need to shake out some thoughts in order to approach my days with some clarity and calm that I just don't have right now. I'm going to try and blog at least once a week, hopefully more.

Until next time! Tah!